Monday, June 6, 2011

Are songs poems or are poems songs? I think they are both and a very good example of this is the hit song She's My Kinda Rain by Tim McGraw came out in the early 2000's and inspired many people. The similies of the song include "She sits quietly there like water in a jar" and "she's like sunset shadows" Also there are several metaphors such as "she's my kinda rain" and "she's my dreaming tree." There is plenty of repetition here as well. "Shes like..." is repeated many times. The mood is extremely romantic and mushy. There is also figurative language " in the drunken sky" is an excellent example. Imagery is present through out the song, comparing love to rain, and so forth. Country music always has lots of poetic devices in it, and it is evident that songs may also be considered as poems.

Tim McGraw - She's My Kinda Rain
She's my kind of rain
Like love in a drunken sky
She's confetti fallin down all night
Shes sits quietly there
Like water in a jar
Says baby why you tremblin like you are
So I wait... And I try
I confess like a child

She's my kinda rain
Like love from a drunken sky
Confetti fallin down all night
She's my kind of rain

She's the sunsets shadows
She's like Rembrant's light
She's the history that's played at night
She's my lost companion
She's my dreamin' tree?
Together in this pre-eternity

Summer days Winter snows
She's all thanks to be home

She's my kind of rain
Like love from a drunken sky
Confetti fallin down all night
Yeah she's my kinda rain

So I wait and I try I confess all my crimes
she's my kind of rain
like love from a drunken sky
confetti fallin down all night
she's my kinda rain
She's my kinda rain
like love from a drunken sky
confetti fallin down all night
yeah she's my kind of rain
Rain on me!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Attention Mr. Kleats

123 Main Street
Penticton, British Columbia,
V2A 3W1

Mr. Kleats
Central High School
123 Main Street,
British Columbia,
V2A 1W3

Dear Mr Kleats:
 My name is Dominic Bordin and as a parent of a child on your bowling team I have attended many games and practices. I understand that being a coach is by no means an easy task, and I would like to thank you for the amount of time you have invested in the team. However, a few concerns have been brought to my attention that could benefit the team once they are resolved.

I understand that you have a busy schedule but your consistent tardiness appears to be impacting the players performance due to their lack of practice time, perhaps an assistant coach may be beneficial just so if you are running behind on that particular day that the team will still be able to enter the bowling alley and begin practice.

I am aware that sometimes the alley can become crowded and rowdy at times, I think that the best way to improve on this is to have the practise events predetermined. That way the kids don't have the time to misbehave while you're pondering the next drill.

I noticed that you have a very strong sense of who has skill and who doesn't, and you are very swift at tactically placing each player on the team in order to maintain such a high level of success. Although I think if you focused more on developing the skills of all the players in order for them to grasp the skill of bowling, rather than playing the select few top bowlers all the time. It only seems fair that all the players have as much playing time regardless of their skill. I know you strive to win, which is your job, but I think skill building may be best.

When the team loses focus and begins to goof around, I know that it may be very difficult to regain their attention, but I think raising your voice may not be the most effective. I have seen examples of coaches who do exactly the opposite and just stand there motionless and speachless, suprisingly moments later the team does the same. Perhaps the team may benefit from this. I am usually sitting in the back watching my son bowl, if the group ever begins to get out of control just signal for me to come over and I can demonstrate my method if you would like me to.

Winning is always great, but I believe the most important part is that everyone has fun. Positive attitudes always increase performance anyways. Studies suggest that the less emphasise there is on winning will likely result on less pressure and therefore better performance.

I hope you understand the constructive critisism and realize I would like to see the team do well as much as you do. You're a phenomenal coach and I think you have the high potential to do well. If have any questions or comments please email or phone me.
Dominic Bordin

Monday, May 9, 2011

It's a Tire

     Every semester students are faced with brutal, unfair, life threatening situations as they attend the high school formally known as Princess Margaret Secondary School. It has been a growing concern that has just recently been brought to the attention of the media in order to find the solution. Grade 12 student told us " I cry myself to sleep every night knowing that I have to wake up and go to school the next morning."

      As if waking up to be at school for 8:30 isn't bad enough, but once the students arrive at school they are faced with the first problem. Parking. The parking lot is far too small to comfortably park every students vehicle. Even though the parking lot could easily be expanded to fit all the vehicles by simply paving over the never used grass, but no, the government would rather sit back and watch them suffer as they are forced to park on the street and walk the grueling 212 paces to the front door. Or god forbid they have to park in the Skaha Lake Middle School parking lot. Oh the humiliation. The beady eyes of the SLMS students all staring are enough to make anyone break down and cry. The students must flock to the student parking lot in order to get a decent spot. When its all said and done the parking lot is so packed that students can't even do burn outs with out crashing into another vehicle. What has the world come to, complete anarchy?

     Once in class the students are constantly in a battle with teachers regarding the use of cell phones in class. Stealth is the key, how ever the keen eye of the teacher catches even the slightest glance. "I pay $60 a month for my phone" cries an eager student "and I can't even use it when I want!" Such madness!

    The along comes lunch. For what ever reason nobody knows how to place their trash into the trash bin. Through out the period a mountain of trash piles onto the tables of the common area, only to be taken down by the principal. Wait, the Principal? Yes that's right, the school has many custodians but for some reason the Principal is always cleaning up the lunch time garbage.

    On occasion a class finds itself in the computer lab. Despite the teachers instructions everyone, always,  ends up researching the latest news on Facebook, or playing games such as Jetman or Bubble Trouble. Yes the computer lab truly teaches life skills.

    High school is truly the survival of the fittest. Other than the no zero policy, teachers always babying students, and skipping class with no consequence, yes it truly is difficult.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


      It was a December night, the moon hung lazily over the night sky in a silver crescent. On the edge of a suburban neighborhood was the house of Jerry and his wife, Shela. After a long day at the office Jerry announces, "Shela get over here! And bring me that baloney sandwich while your at it." Shela hustles into the bed room, in her night robe, with messy hair. She hands Jerry his sandwich and sits on the near by sofa couch.                  
     "Did you read the article?" wondered Shela
     "Which one?'' remarked Jerry
     "You know," Shela stated "the one about the big sale!"        
     "Jerry sighed  and then boasted "of course I've read that article honey!" his words dripping with sarcasm.
      In an unimpressed tone Shela snapped "I'm going to the sale whether you like it or not."
      "Fine,"muttered Jerry. "I had plans to go fishing anyways."
      "Oh really, are you going to bring a fish home this time?" laughs Shela, "I'd like to see a fish thats 'this big' like the one you supposedly caught last time," she giggles as she holds her arms at shoulder length.
      Jerry cleans his glasses as he mumbled "it was that big," he puts his glasses back on, "next time I will bring it home."
       "Good to know," Shela  mutters in an increasingly stern voice.
      Jerry laughs as he turns out his light, "good night dear."

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Princess Margaret Secondary School Bully Free

          Princess Margaret Secondary School, a medium-small high school with the population of 750, claims to have completely eradicated the common problem of bullying. It was not easy for the school to achieve this, located in Penticton, B.C. like any place there are bullies but we ask why not in the high school? Local student Gage Buchanan replies "the main reason for the bullies to be non-existant is because I don't put up with them. For example, I see some punk bully a kid, I throw that punk in a locker for the rest of the day. The solution is discipline!" Although the approach may seem to be unorthodox it has proven to be extremely effective. But would the rest of the country be willing to step up and intimidate the bullies to retire? It is definately not with out its risks. Another student Darren Hogg tells " this one time I was being bullied and when my friend tried to stop him he got pounded! Busted 5 ribs, the bully I mean because he punched him so hard." Although that was many years ago it still haunts him in the on going night terrors. 
          Research suggests that if the nation were to completely extinguish the wrath of the bully, intimidation is the best solution. Princess Margaret Secondary School is simply a perfect demonstration of this theory. Perhaps as this theory becomes fact we may be able to finally end this on going epidemic we call bullying.

Monday, February 7, 2011

University Application

          To whom it may concern. My name is Dominic Bordin and I have for you my University Application that I have composed. I am unforgettable, knowledgeable, and well known. You have heard of me haven't you?
        I am out of this world literally. I have been to the moon, twice. NASA discontinued the Apollo missions due to my increasing lack of interest. Last weekend I went on a 3 day retreat with Dick Cheney at his secret bunker in Colorado. Will Ferrell says I'm the funniest man alive. I have won the Nascar Sprint Cup series 4 times. I taught Travis Pastrana how to back flip, and I make donuts for Tommy Pasemante. Taylor Swift is my stalker.

        I am a hero, I am brilliant, I am a genius. In fact I have written text books for over half the classes your school offers. My knowledge makes me unstoppable. I predict wars and defuse them before they happen. I knocked out Chuck Norris. When I'm not at my Villa in Rome, I'm usually fighting crime in New York. I have swam up Niagara Falls.

      I have done what no man has ever thought to be possible. I have stopped time itself as I broke the speed of light. I built my own death star. Darth Vador fears me. I have a summer retreat on the moon. I started global warming because I don't like the cold.
     I am currently President of 43 countries. I have been in every Time Magazine ever written. I have been on the cover of National Geographic. I am a celebrity, a role model, and a ladies man. I am a king for 4 empires, and I ride a Lion to school.

     I am the perfect student for your school. I am Dominic Bordin.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Final Frontier

It was twelve years ago when it all began, what had once seemed as a life long sentence, an eternity, has now been drawn even closer to its end. Through the years we have learned that high school isn't for the faint of heart, it's a place of survival of the fittest. We have had to wake up early against our will come to school, listening to the never ending words from the teacher, study long hours into the night for tests or exams and get our homework done on time. All while trying to not fall asleep or get distracted. It is a battle we face each and every day. However, there is hope. In less then 5 months our battle will be won, and our lives will resume. It is only a matter of time now until we cross the stage for our moment of glory, our graduation ceremony. Is this where the real world will hit us? Suddenly we will have bills to pay and jobs to attend. Maybe grade 12 isn't so bad after all. The friends are many, we come home to food on the table, and most weekends there is a party to go to. There is no doubt grade 12 is the climax of our high school careers. Perhaps it has been taken for granted. Although no one can be certain about what to expect after grade twelve, all we can do is continue and make the best of our lives as high school students.